
Think Energy.

  |   being present, breath, change, healing
energy healing
Energy knowledge.
When we consider that everything is energy, including the physical body, it becomes easier to translate our daily challenges into energy knowledge.
Close your eyes after you have read this paragraph and visualize everything as energy.  Make believe you are in the last scene of the 1st Matrix movie and everything, including yourself dissolves into tiny but visible particles of atoms and nucleons.
Become aware of yourself being able to affect the energy of your own space simply by knowing that you can affect it with ease and grace, move it around, see it shift.  Play with it for a few moments.
Oh yes,
you are an energy worker.
You influence and create your energy all day long.
The energy of your personal space, which includes your physical body as well as your auric field is shaped by your thoughts, actions, words, and by how you process your emotions.
Knowing that you are fully responsible for your own energy, it helps to know that any tension, worry, fear or stress does influence your energy flow and your space negatively.
We are used to the quick fix, rushing around and aiming for the next ‘feel good’ band aid, when in truth the fast pace gets our energy bunched up
like the proverbial knickers.
We hurry out of discomfort as if the energy of discomfort will magically turn itself into rose perfumed smelling, cotton candy look a like clouds.
Picture this; you are running around all day from one meeting to the next, from one challenge to another, just in time to pick up the kids and find something to make for dinner.  What do you think happened to your energy from your entire day of rushing around and dealing with the pressures of life?
Can you see how you have dragged all of these energies with you and as you did, they were building on top of each other, getting bigger and fuller, like tumble weeds?
Can you feel these energies at the end of your day, when you feel heavy, clouded, confused, overwhelmed and fatigued?
Of course you can.
What do you think will happen with these relatively dense energies over night?  Do you think they will turn themselves back into sparkling ferry dust or do you think it will stay there in your space for the most part and continue to affect you the next day?
Exactly, of course, most of it stays.  Some energy tension will relax with a good night sleep but most density will linger.
With the new paradigm comes consciousness, which puts you in the driver seat of your energy manifestation.
You and only you have the power to care for yourself on the energetic level day in and day out.  You care for your physical body.  You cream it’s skin, wash it’s hair and brush it’s teeth.  Your energy space is just as real and just as important.
Solution action;
Take the time to breathe deeply and slowly after a high stress, high tension or overloading period of time.
Close your eyes and visualize your energy bodies moving with every deep and slow in and exhale.
Now set the conscious intention and focus on clearing and freeing your energy from any density.
As your aura begins to flow, imagine any density dissolving back into pure energy, just because you are relaxing through the deep in and exhales.
Your clue here is relaxation through the deep and conscious breath,
plus your minds will and intention to move the energy accumulation toward release. Your intention, combined with your breath will clear your energy, simply because you are the master of your space and your energy.
The conscious breath moves your energy and energy must always be in motion for ease and grace to be present.
The moment we start holding our breath, tension manifests.
 You may even visualize the energy relaxing, the density unraveling and the lightness of your being taking hold again.
You are a Light Being and you are 100% in control of your clarity and your earthly experience in it’s lightness.
Blessings to you and yours.
With love and light,

Britta Dubbels